Man charged after three burglaries in Linslade in one day

Police    (stock image)Police    (stock image)
Police (stock image)
A man has been charged after three burglaries were committed in Linslade in a single day.

The offences took place on Monday, March 29, and Beds Police has urged residents to be vigilant and check in on vulnerable neighbours.

Detective Constable Jason Wheeler, from the force's dedicated burglary team, Operation Maze, said: “On Monday (29 March) there were three burglary offences reported within the Linslade area.

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"Subsequently, three people were arrested, and one man was charged.

“Following this, officers carried out a number of high visibility patrols in the area to provide reassurance to the residents and to act as a deterrent.

“Whilst we continue to tackle those responsible, we have a few tips to help you secure your property now that the weather is getting warmer.

“In spells of warmer weather, we sometimes see an increase in day time burglaries, where opportunist criminals will look to gain entry via unsecured windows and doors.

“Please remember to double lock your front doors and keep windows secure, even if you’re at home.”

To report any suspicious behaviour or concerns you may have, contact Beds Police online or call 101.