Robbed of bank card after being '˜shoulder surfed' at supermarket?

A man who was robbed of his bank card in a supermarket car park is thought to have been '˜shoulder surfed' moments earlier at the store checkout.

Police are appealing for witnesses to the robbery which happened at around 12.30pm on Thursday (June 30) as the victim was leaving Aldi in Vimy Road, Linslade.

He was approached by two men in the car park, asking for help in using a mobile phone.

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The victim began to assist before one of the men punched him in the back. When both the offenders made off, the victim realised his bank card was missing and was later used to withdraw cash.

PC Jenny Buckley, investigating, said: “We believe this innocent victim may have been targeted in a ‘shoulder-surfing’-style offence, in which the offenders watched him entering his PIN at the supermarket checkout.

“We’d urge everyone to be vigilant against this kind of activity and shield your PIN as you enter it.

“I’d also like to speak to anyone who was in this car park at what was a busy time of day, as any information can help us find those responsible and prevent further offending.”

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Both men are described as white and aged in their 40s or early 50s, both between 5ft 7ins and 5ft 10ins, and scruffy-looking.

One of the pair was stocky, with facial hair and wearing a dirty white shirt and dark-coloured trousers.

He had a tooth missing on the right-hand side and spoke with an Eastern European accent.

The second man was of medium build with dark hair, and wore a red top.

Call PC Buckley on 101 with information, or contact Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.