'˜Dangerous predator' who sexually abused 2 girls in Leighton Buzzard gets 18-year sentence

Gary MooreGary Moore
Gary Moore
A man has been sentenced to 18 years in prison for sexually abusing two young girls in Leighton Buzzard over an eight-year period in the early 2000s.

Gary Moore, 57, of Florence Road, Bournemouth, was sentenced at Luton Crown Court on Monday (March 5) after pleading guilty to eight counts of child sex offences, which took place between 2003 and 2011.

Moore had a previous conviction relating to child sexual offences involving the same victims, and was jailed for six years in 2012.

He was released after four years, on licence.

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The victims found the courage to come forward to report more incidents that occurred throughout their childhoods and the case was re-opened and investigated further, resulting in Moore being sentenced to a further 18 years in jail, with two years on licence.

Detective Constable Martin Hart said: “Moore is a dangerous predator who was a genuine threat to children.

“We are therefore glad that he has received a significant custodial sentence and will be no further risk to the public.

“The victims have shown tremendous courage in coming back and giving us additional information on the crimes he committed and, although the sentence handed to Moore will not erase the trauma they have suffered, I hope they are now able to move on from this terrible ordeal.

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“We hope this sentence shows how seriously we take child sexual abuse: it doesn’t matter how long ago the crime took place, or whether more details emerge at a later date, we will do everything we can to ensure abhorrent offenders such as Moore are brought to justice, while providing our support to victims and their families.”