Garden village near Heath and Reach unveiled in CBC Call For Sites

Call for SitesCall for Sites
Call for Sites
Plans for a 4,500 home garden village near Heath and Reach have been unveiled as CBC published its '˜Call For Sites' this week.

Checkley Wood Garden Village is a prospective development tipped to be built just east of Heath and Reach.

At over 350 hectares, the site is among the largest of those submitted to CBC.

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The land is owned by Arnold White Estates and has been put forward by the developer to CBC’s Call For Sites – a chance for builders to recommend sites for development ahead of the council’s Local Plan, scheduled for the end of this year.

No formal applications have been submitted for any of the sites and the tentative recommendations have yet to be considered by CBC.

Part of the Checkley Wood development would also include a holiday park, Woburn Lakes, described as “a world class holiday community and leisure park at the heart of Checkley Wood”.

AWE submitted an application earlier this month for a second 490 ft wind turbine, to be situated on the site of Checkley Wood Farm.

The company’s vision for the garden village is outlined on their website