Help my boy who hits himself 200 times daily

Darragh suffers from autismDarragh suffers from autism
Darragh suffers from autism
A mother has made an impassioned plea for help for her son '“ who hits himself up to 200 times a day due to severe autism.

In November three-year-old Darragh Ezekiel was diagnosed with the condition, which has had a number of profound impacts on his health.

As a result Darragh is unable to communicate his thoughts and hits himself in the face with his hands and toys, frequenting leaving him with injuries.

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Added to that the toddler has sensory processing disorder, which causes different noises and smells to upset him.

Darragh suffers from autismDarragh suffers from autism
Darragh suffers from autism

Despite trying every avenue possible Darragh’s mother Sabrina, from Hockliffe, has been unable to secure an applied behavior analysis and occupational therapy for her son on the NHS – treatment that could mean a world of difference to the three-year-old’s wellbeing.

Sabrina said: “I love the NHS but unfortunately the services are just not there.

“It feels like a battle, like I’m in a war with a multitude of people for someone who desperately needs services.

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“The reason Darragh needs therapy is to reduce the issues that he has to deal with on a daily basis.

Darragh suffers from autismDarragh suffers from autism
Darragh suffers from autism

“It has got to the stage where Darragh is chipping his teeth and if I don’t do something he will end up really hurting himself.”

To help with the costs of her son’s treatment Sabrina has set up an online fund, which in two weeks has raised £650.

She added: “For me this seems to be only option.

“I was devastated with his diagnosis but I fight for him every day and beg for the services he needs.”

> To find out more about the fund log on to

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