Plans submitted to turn Halfords building in Leighton Buzzard into homes and two new businesses

Halfords site in Leighton Buzzard. Picture: Google MapsHalfords site in Leighton Buzzard. Picture: Google Maps
Halfords site in Leighton Buzzard. Picture: Google Maps
"The commercial spaces will deliver two high quality business units which will generate employment and add vibrancy"

A sensitive redevelopment of a Grade II listed retail outlet in Leighton Buzzard “would breathe new life into the site” and benefit the town centre, according to a planning and development consultancy.

Plans have been submitted to Central Bedfordshire Council for housing and an alternative commercial use at retailer Halfords Group PLC’s store in the town.

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The application from Sheffield-based Ranmoor Estates Limited involves seven houses and two apartments with a car park at 44 to 54 North Street.

There would be one two-bedroom, four three-bed and two four bedroom houses, with two two-bed flats, according to the planning application.

The proposals also include parking, landscaping and bicycle storage, with the number of vehicle spaces reduced from 21 to 15 overall.

A single storey extension would be demolished, while the commercial unit on the ground floor would be converted into two new business premises at the 1,949sqm building.

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The project provides “two high quality commercial units and nine much needed new homes”, said a planning design, access and heritage statement from JR Planning on behalf of the applicant.

It would “improve the character and significance of the listed building within the site and the conservation area in which it lies”.

The historic element of the building is a three-storey brick construction, with modern red brick extensions added to the side and at the back.

These plans “secure removal of a large proportion of the modern additions, helping boost the appearance of the listed building”.

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The application has “evolved significantly by responding positively to feedback received from the local planning authority officers and conservation specialists”, explained the statement.

“This offers a high-quality redevelopment which respects and reflects the key characteristics of the Leighton Buzzard conservation area, as well as the pattern and grain of the local built environment.

“It would breathe new life into this site and would represent a significant benefit for the vitality of the town centre.

“The commercial spaces will deliver two high quality business units which will generate employment and add vibrancy to this area. It would safeguard jobs by delivering new units, which respond to known market demand and avoid the risk of the unit becoming vacant.

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“It has the important benefit of the removal of the large modern extension at the back of 52 and 54 North Street, which greatly interferes with the significance of the listed building.

“The full plans are entirely policy compliant and wouldn’t give rise to any adverse impacts, as shown in the submitted technical reports,” added the statement.

“It would improve the setting and significance of the listed building, and preserve the character and significance of the conservation area.”

Halfords’ premises qualifies as a class E business use and could be used for any of the wide range of commercial, business and service uses falling within this category, said the planning application document.

Halfords Group PLC has been approached for comment.