Top award for Abbotts alpacas

Jo Dell with alpacasJo Dell with alpacas
Jo Dell with alpacas
Jo Dell of Abbotts View Farm is delighted to have been awarded a Tripadvisor Certificate of Excellence '“ for the second year running.

She said: “We’re thrilled and so grateful to all our visitors who have taken the time to leave such wonderful reviews.”

Jo and her husband James breed alpacas for their luxurious fibre, their inquisitive nature and as pets for sale.

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The mother-of-three said: “Once you’ve met and spent time with an alpaca you’ll never forget them.

“Our aim is to raise calm, friendly animals who are a pleasure to be around. We host alpaca experiences, alpaca walks, educational visits, birthday parties and open days but be warned, it’s hard not to fall in love with these fascinating creatures.”

Tripadviser spokeswoman Heather Leisman said: “We honour hospitality businesses that have consistently received strong praise and ratings.” The certificate accounts for the quality, quantity and timing of reviews.

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